Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tales from Cordoba...(Thursday morning)

Well...I just cant say enough about the culture...the people...and the food.  I am absolutely in awe and impressed with the amount of respect and hospitality that has been expressed.

I just wanted to say that unfortunately Ive not been able to post pics on the blog, so please visit my Facebook page for pics.

Each morning as a group we have gathered for breakfast to discuss our articles that are related to various immigration policies and impacts.  Its been interesting to have a dialogue around these issues, concerns and implications.  Ive observed a focus of various themes surrounding immigration and migration...these themes are of the human experience with Loss, Transition, Maintenance of Self Identity, Acceptance, Dignity, and others to be discovered.

The Food word....Delicious.  Meals here have a wonderful sense of community.  And my goodness lunch lasts no less than 2 or 3 hours and dinner can lasts for 5 hours or more.  Yesterday we had a lunch with 8 courses and every single course was unbelievably excellent.  Ive eaten tapas with partridge, ox tail, octopus, lamb, many many olives...lots of bread...chorizo...and olive oil that is clearly the best I have ever had in my life!

The Exchange with Colleagues from University of Cordoba ...this exchange have given me an opportunity to explore areas of consideration from an international point of view that I had never considered before.  This experience has further increased my belief that the experience of living or visiting other countries and begin exposed to other cultures...with true integration is crucial.  The faculty here have been very open to build a dialogue with opportunity for research and partnerships.  The Rector(university president) is wonderful!  He is incredibly down to earth and has been so gracious with sharing his professional experience and ideas of successful leadership. Ive also been able to get a fantastic amount of advice and guidance from the Vice Rector...a powerful woman who has an incredibly big heart.  I am so honored to have had the opportunity to develop a relationship with both of them.

The Cultural Experience is remarkable! Im in LOVE with Spain!

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